Tuesday, 19 October 2010

rainy day with Derek

another shoot, another far too early start on a drizzly Monday morning... only this time Derek Lam swooped in and brought his much needed all-American charm to brighten up the proceedings. Hong Huang's new shop B.N.C. had been requisitioned as the backdrop for his 'conversation' with local designer, Fan Ran and it proved absolutely perfect because a) it's a beautiful space that stocks only locally designed brands and b) it turned into a jolly shopping spree as everybody (led by Derek and his team) eagerly zoned in on the wares. He lamented missing Phillip Lim's show just two days ago, and talked about doing his own in Beijing one day. Most endearingly, after a week spent with blasé celebrities, Derek proved so refreshingly enthusiastic and interested in things. Later in 798 (after more shopping) not only did he have a lot to say about contemporary Chinese art but he was also incredibly receptive to all the information we could throw at him. Such a cheerful end to what became the-week-Chinese-American-designers-all-came-to-town/ Jason Wu - Phillip Lim - Derek Lam.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting and yet the photos are so serene.
    by the way... what are those cupcake/birthday cake photos in the last frame??
